Through The Eyes of a Child

"Mom, if I were a pastor this is what I would say.. The air in my room is like God. If you close the door, then the air is trapped, but if you open the door, then you allow the air from my room to spread all over the house. You have to leave the door open to let God spread"
"Mom, I was thinking while I was in the shower. Soap is like evil, it goes on your body and just stays there. But God is like water, you take the water and it washes the soap away. God washes away evil"
These are words spoken by my 8 year old son, Tyler. Hearing his thoughts, actually had me in a state of shock. I couldn't believe the words, the thoughts that were coming out of my son's mouth. I just stood there in awe and said Amen! I think my reaction of shock, was because I felt, as a matter of fact, I knew, I was witnessing the works of the Holy Spirit. right before my eyes. Then I found this in the bible:
He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. 3 And he said:“Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5 And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me. Matthew 18 2-6
Then I thought, we should listen to children more often. Through a child's eyes and thoughts we can expeirence a true innocence and see the model of faith and representation of Jesus. Children have open hearts, they have full vulnerability, compassion, find joy in the smallest things, fearless at times, and see the world with curiosity and amazement. Even if they experience the harsh things the temporary world may bring them, they are still innocent and at peace. They are perfect in God's eyes and as I saw, God truly speaks through children.
Sometimes as adults we think children do not know any better, are silly, ask too many questions, make up things with their imaginations. But, what if we truly take Jesus's words serioiusly and become like little children, what will we actually learn and see?