
Meditation is a way of connecting to your self and your Higher Power. When you’re going through a hard time, meditating on the good moments or blessings in your life can bring peace. Meditation helps us work with difficult and challenging emotions in the emotional and physical body so that we can become familiar with those aspects of ourselves and begin to gently release the tension from within. By knowing and being honest with our selves can we only find tolerance of discomfort for the sake of our own spiritual development and truly find peace from within. Make it part of your daily practice.
Meditation also has other great benefits such as:
1. Relief from stress and anxiety
2. Decreased blood pressure and hypertension 3.Lower cholesterol levels
4.More efficient oxygen use by the body
5.Increased production of the anti-aging hormone DHEA
6. Restful sleep.
Here are a couple of great articles about getting started with meditation: