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Wearing Masks

After enjoying a great Halloween with the family and seeing so many awesome costumes, I couldn’t help but to reflect on and think about why we wear masks. Halloween, that one time each year we choose dress up in disguise or wear masks. We choose to dress in something sexy, something scary, something funny, or something to make a statement. But if we are honest, we may actually wear masks everyday. You wear your work mask when you’re at work, your parent mask when you’re around you’re children, your friend mask when you’re around your friends, and the many other masks we wear depending on the scenario. But do we ever take off ours masks? Or do we have a masks that we put to face our own selves? Who are you really? What are you really feeling? Are you really ok or wearing a mask to hide your true emotions?

“Often our own reflection isn’t our protection - it’s our prison”(Carl Lentz). Most of the time people avoid looking at themselves because they have been wearing masks for too long. They are afraid to face their past and avoid their present. Instead of seeing all the lack or highlight things in the past or present that you hate, instead of highlighting the failures or bad things, we need to know “our perspective holds so much power that we need to take control over it, make sure we own it and that it does not own us”

I challenge you to take off the mask, look at yourself in the mirror and face the true you Just you. In the moment. Vulnerable. No mask. Welcome to freedom. “Own your story, don’t let your story own you” (Carl Lentz)

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