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God Is That You?

Photo by Laura Rivera

I was talking to someone recently about how my transformation and faith has changed my life. I then went on to tell her the many decisions and directions I have been moving towards are all because I know that's that direction that God is leading me to. She then asked, how do I know this. My response, "because God told me so". She then asked me, how do I know God is speaking to me? My response, “the voice in my head", "the gut feeling that I must do something and it's the only right thing to do". I went on to tell her that I have been praying to God to lead me to the direction and the path that he has established for me and it's something you just know. After hearing my own response to her, I realized, how "crazy" I must sound, especially to someone that may have never experienced God "talking to them". Of course, I couldn't help to think how many other people out there are curious and should be able to know when God is speaking to them. In an article from Creflo Dollar, he highlights and states, Jesus said "My sheep hear My voice." “Jesus is stating if you belong to Him, you will hear Him speak. The question you must ask yourself is, "Am I truly His?" Can you say you know God enough to know his voice or know when to listen for him? We listen to our friends, our family members and trust them when we seek advice, but do we do the same with God? How can we recognize someone when they are a stranger to us?

So, when I say God speaks to me, here are some of the examples of how?

Bible: There always seems to be that one verse that pops up in sermon or is shared by a friend that somehow is the answer to somehting that has been on my mind. When God speaks to us through his word, he is instructing us on how to live righteously, grow our faith and love for him

Circumstance: Sometimes the things we are going through is God talking. There may be a lesson to be learned and the situation that we are in may be meant to open our eyes. See the blessings of God in every circumstance, good or bad

Through Others: Did someone all of a sudden call you, a friend just popped up out of nowhere at the right time, you met someone that has been a mentor or a partner or someone’s prayer over you was like they were reading your mind? God can speak through others to reach our hearts. It can come in a kind word, a testimony, a warning or a blessing.

That voice in your head or "gut" feeling: I think people expect to hear this loud thunderous voice that comes from the sky. It's usually never like that. Sometimes it’s that tiny barely audible voice that reaches my heart and I just don't second guess it and if I'm not sure, I ask God. He also speaks to us in dreams or through things we may call a "coincidence" I listen to it and see if it aligns with God's Word, Who God is, and even my prayer.

Prayer: I have a conversation with God to build a relationship with him. By doing this, I build an exchange of communication (talking, listening, and understanding) Where he answers. Sometimes it's yes and sometimes it's no. Every prayer is heard by God, what we need to ask is if we are listening and trust in his answer.

Here are somet things I found through my studies.

What Hinders us from "hearing God"

Unbelief: An unbelieving heart turns you away from God and keeps you from his promises. You must truly believe, have faith, and trust in him. 19 So we see that they were not able to enter, because of their unbelief. (Hebrews 3:19)

Undeveloped Spirit: Is your spirit whole and filled with the ways God wants us to live?

23 May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 24 The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it (1 Thessalonians 5:23-24New International Version (NIV)

Bad Emotions: Anger, calloused conscience, jealousy, and many other emotions that affect us negatively, hinder us from hearing God. 26 “In your anger do not sin”[a]: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, 27 and do not give the devil a foothold. (Ephesians 4:26-27New International Version (NIV)

Impatience/Distrust: God answers us when the time is right. Just because we don't get an answer when we want it or when he does answer it may not be what we want, but God knows what is best for us. Be patient and trusting. But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. (Isaiah 40:31

In my journey, I have learned to pray and trust in the Lord regardless how crazy I may sound or look to people who have not had the opportunity to build a relationship with God. I have to admit, I was always looking for that true balance and peace. What I've learned is that I was looking for it in the wrong places and I've finally found the enlightment through The Holy Trinity.


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