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It Is Finished...

Jesus died on the cross as the final sacrifice for our sins so we do not have to pay the price and feel the wrath of what should've come to us. He felt pain, hurt, sadness, saw death happen to people he loved. He had friendships, experienced betrayal and joy. He experienced the world we live in so he could die and teach us how to live. The cross is not a symbolism of death but a symbolism of life. Renewed life. Jesus'only request from us was to love one another, forgive, be generous, not be selfish but think of others, live under Gods word and righteousness will follow, build communities, be the voice for those that don't have one and most of all, spread the good news and teach others the way of our Lord. Don't fall into temptation and trust in Gods plan for us. If we all follow these simple commands, earth would be the place God intended our world to be. So if you truly believe, then what are you doing about it.. Bear your cross so you can live again, the renewed life..The true meaning of being born again under Gods grace.

Overwhelmed by Bid Daddy Weave (BDW Music)

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