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MBS (Mind Body Spirit)

"When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come" (John 16:13)

In my past, I have always been a big believer of mind, body and spirit. I have always believed felt and yearned for a deeper connection and understanding of myself, my spirit, and the world around me. Before I was born again, I always believed I was a "spiritual" person. A person that was connected to the Universe by something. What that something was? I could never explain. I always believed in God, but I also believed in destiny, fate, Aum, Namaste, and another world of things that just couldn’t be explained and possibly weren't meant to be explained. I never connected those things to God. Any good that happened in my life was either due me working really hard to get it, my destined path, luck or karma. Anything bad, I would think it was due to karma because I put something out into the universe that was negative or it was God being angry at me and somehow punishing me. I always looked for that peace of mind through meditation, music, or martial arts. I felt great doing those things, but it was always temporary and I was always looking for more of a connection, an answer for the things in my life that just felt incomplete. I was at a pinnacle point in my career, married, a son who is my heart, was surrounded by family and friends that supported me, and even had the great dog. With all these things, I should have been grateful for, I was left with a feeling as if something was missing. Until one day, It took for me to be stripped of my own wants that I have worked so hard for and having my YOLO life view that I thought was the way to a happy life end up into a downward spiral. That experience brought me to my knees and I did the one thing I have never done, ask God for help.

One year later into my journey I realized, like many who do not have a relationship with God , can never truly see the truth. The things I was doing to find happiness in my life were all temporary things. I now know why even though my world seemed happy, there was still emptiness, I was missing God. All things my body and mind wanted I was able to accomplish but my spirit was empty. That night when I asked God for help, I experienced what I use think was a crazy phrase, a divine intervention. Since that day, I saw things unfold before my eyes, God was showing me the things I had to see and lead to the places I had to go and the things I had to do to learn about the Holy Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) by learning, I knew what I had to do. I had to understand and accept Jesus Christ as my Savior. Truly see through my cleared eyes what the cross truly meant. Through this, I received the gift of the Holy Spirit (See, John 3:5-16) this is brought about by willfully choosing by faith to depend on and trust the Holy Spirit to guide in thought, word, and deed. We can know that we are walking in the Spirit if our lives are showing forth the fruit of the Spirit which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22). In other words, that higher state of consciousness, the enlightment, the Aum, the high that not only I was looking for but everyone is, is promised and I experienced it all by simply believing and giving up my wants for my spiritual needs by accepting and believing that Jesus is our savior. Now I know to non-believers or those that are not sure what you believe in, I sound like a crazy person talking of spirits and giving myself to someone that is not of this world. However, I was also like you, uncertain and by hearing my story and my experience what other explanation could there be except seeing God’s work at play. Being born again is the term used and truly, I feel like a new person. It doesn’t happen the same for everyone and they call it a journey for a reason. Everyone has their own journey and calling. Once you receive the Spirit, you have to continue to be filled with spirit, which is an ongoing process in the Christian life. Being filled with Spirit is not only by our outward acts, but it also applies to our thoughts and motives for our actions. Because are not perfect and still infected with sin, it is impossible to be filled with Spirit 24-7. Sometime we still get caught up in our wants and may forget from time to time to seek God first, which usually leads us to fall flat on our face and back to our knees again. Sin hinders the filling of the Holy Spirit, but obedience to God is how the filling of Spirit is maintained (GotQuestions, 2014)

For those that feel empty, that can’t get over hurt or pain, or looking for a purpose, I challenge you to my MBS (Mind Body Spirit Challenge). Start with:

  • Ask God for help and try meditating in prayer (

  • Consciously open yourself to him,

  • Give your social media a break and look at the world around you.

  • Look at those that need help

  • Take a moment to have lunch with a parent, family member or friend that you have been too busy for

  • Volunteer to do something for a good cause

  • Learn more about our amazing father in heaven

  • Open the bible (suggested order to start with)

The Gospel of John

The Gospel of Mark

I John

II John

III John




The Gospel of Luke

The Gospel of Matthew

I Corinthians

II Corinthians




  • Ask questions and join groups. Find a Christian mentor or someone that can walk take the journey with you.

I would love to hear the stories of your journey.

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