Nothing can dim the light...
“Nothing can dim the light, which shines from within” (Maya Angelou)

This choreography by Mia Michaels is epic. It’s a representation of addiction. Most people associate addiction with drugs or alcohol....

Wearing Masks
After enjoying a great Halloween with the family and seeing so many awesome costumes, I couldn’t help but to reflect on and think about...

Being fit is not only about your outside physical appearance but about your mental and spiritual balance as well. Your inside becomes...

True Growth
Vrikshasana (tree pose) in front of my favorite tree. This photo reminds me of foundation and growth and the parable of the sower....

Let your light shine!
Someone told me today they noticed I am always smiling and always cheerful. They asked is it because I never have a bad day. I told them...

Meditation is a way of connecting to your self and your Higher Power. When you’re going through a hard time, meditating on the good...

Yoga pose of the week
Reverse Warrior Pose (Viparita Virabhadrasana). One of my favorite poses! It not only strengthens the quads, arms and neck, but it...

Yoga pose of the week
Side Plank Pose (Vasisthasana) Hold for 30 seconds and switch sides Benefits: Strengthens the arms, belly, and legs Stretches and...