Only Love
It makes me cry to see many lives being lost. I'm tired of seeing black lives being taken by racist people or bad cops, I'm tired of...

Marriage is not perfect
People ask of marriage what God never designed to give, which is perfect happiness, free of conflict and idolatrous obsession Instead God...

My body is my temple
After I had to stop MMA and BJJ due to injury and knee surgery, I not only gained a lot of weight, but my spirit was broken. Finally...

Manage the differences. Embrace the Similiarities
Recently, I was doing research as to whether how similar or how different a couple is, can determine their happiness and can similarities...

#itaffectsme How and Why Does Mental Illness Affect Everyone
The #itaffectsme campaign goal is to help get rid of the stigma surrounding mental health. Mental disorders affect everyone directly or...

Why Do New Year Resolutions Fail? How Can You Increase Your Chances of Reaching Your Goal
According to the Journal of Clinical Psychology, approximately 50% of the population makes resolutions each New Year. However, 88% fail...

#GivingTuesday Benefits of Giving
There have been numerous research projects linking different types of generosity to better health. Stephen Post, a professor or...

MBS (Mind Body Spirit)
"When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears...
Child Ambassador
Somebody asked me, what is the one thing that I have learned since starting a relationship with God and being a believer. My answer was,...

All Christians are called to be the “Salt and Light” of the world and this responsibility is not limited to those that look and act like...